Thursday, October 27, 2011

To sacrifice is to be accepted?

I know it's not my week to post but I was watching Gangland (best show ever!) and came across this video. It's about gang initiations and, though it is short, it is most definitely powerful.

What do you guys think? What do you think about the idea that sacrificing yourself shows dedication, making you worthy of acceptance?


  1. I can understand where they get that idea. You don't want somebody in the gang who's afraid to get in a fight, or who's not capable of backing you up. They want people who are willing to give anything and everything for the gang, so they know the gang is their number one priority. That shows loyalty. If the person isn't willing to do anything to get into the gang then they probably won't be willing to do anything to protect the gang, therefore they're not worthy of acceptance.

  2. Yeah, I definitely agree that as frightening as an initiation might sound, it's definitely a logical way to recruit members. Self-sacrifice is the ultimate sign of loyalty. If you can prove that you'd essentially do anything for the gang, maybe even die for it, then there's no reason for them not to accept you.

    It works on multiple levels, too. Why go through all the trouble to sacrifice yourself only to betray the gang? It can be a demonstration of your absolute faith in the gang's values.

  3. Is the point to take the punches without fighting back? If so, it reminds me in a way of what Katie was saying about taking her punishment, the banishment from the community temporarily. The point wasn't as much about retribution to her crime as it was about proving that she wanted to be part of the community and follow its rules. That she wouldn't fight against them.
    So while taking a beating sounds like a terrible way to prove one's self, I can see where they are coming from. The gang depends on trust and that'd certainly go a long way towards earning it.
    -Danyelle W.

  4. I think that the whole gang initiation is their equivalent to a boot camp. People joining the military have to go through boot and expose themselves to situations that they might face in combat and are prepared so that they can be an asset to their platoons, this is the same thing. Like Kevin said, it's a logical concept. They're getting exposed to a situation that could happen to them if an altercation with a rival gang goes wrong. I wouldn't want to be a member of a gang with a bunch of kids who can't fight and I definitely wouldn't want to go to Iraq with some guy that can't do 5 push ups. The older members are just weeding out the weaklings and the new members are proving their toughness and commitment.

  5. I agree with what everyone has said. It is just a test of loyalty to the gang. If a person can take the beating then they are accepted and become part of the gang family. They are earning trust through the sacrifice of their own bodies to pain. Like the video said, a beating is given for a certain amount of time and once it is over the whole gang comes together around the newest recruit. I like what Ricardo said in that it is a way to weed out the weak. Gangs want people who will stand and fight, not someone who is going to just run away.
