Monday, July 25, 2011


Welcome, class, to the Legacy of Rites of Passage Blog!

I hope that you all were able to set up your accounts without much problem. The topic for this week to get us started will be created by me. Since it's the first week of class, I just want us all to get to know one another a little better. So, why did you sign up for this class? What do you hope to get out of the class? After our first class and reading the syllabus and getting an idea what's in store for you, what are some things you're excited about? What are some things you want to learn more about? What are you dreading? :)

Finally, what are you hoping to get out the honors program in general? Why are you taking honors? What does honors mean to you?

Okay, let the games begin...


  1. So I'm not totally sure if this is how we're supposed to reply to a blog but if it's wrong someone should let me know. Any way I joined the honors program because at orientation they told me I could and I thought it seemed very interesting and to be honest I like the appeal of priority registration. I hope to get a better understanding of literature and maybe find some new authors that I enjoy. I'm excited for the group project, I know that it'll be great for us to choose a book and show the meaning of rites of passage for our specific theme and we'll learn a lot about different cultures, societies and times. I am dreading the eight to ten page paper that we have to do, I like writing and I know that that isn't too terrible a length of paper but actually making myself do it is going to take some effort. :) Anyway I look forward to class next week and someone please tell me if I posted wrong, thanks!!

  2. You posted exactly right, Kaleigh. Thanks!

  3. I signed up for this specific seminar because I am fascinated with coming of age stories and bildungsroman novels- Great Expectations, Jane Eyre, Huckleberry Finn, Catcher in the Rye. Both of my English classes for the last two years have touched on this topic, but I am interested in exploring it further. I am excited to explore how rites of passage vary depending upon gender, race, and time period. Specifically, i am excited for The Glass Castle. I have read it before and find it to be extremely real and raw, something that truly hits home for many people. I am also looking forward to the interview option of the final project. It will be truly enlightening to learn about the ways that my close friends and family have grown as individuals. Well, i think that covers it! Talk to you guys later!

  4. I signed up for this class because it seemed like a great opportunity to gain more knowledge in literature. The small sizes of the classes also appealed to me as i come from a very small town. I am very excited to read the books on the reading list and discuss them with my classmates. I think that the group predict will be very interesting and I am looking forward to it. The honors program is awesome! I like being able to converse so closely with peers who are interested in the same stuff that I am! See you guys Tuesday, have a safe labor day weekend.

  5. After my first week in the honors program, particularly this class, I was a little shocked with how much reading we'll have to do. I'm dreading this and looking forward to it at the same time. I'm dreading the reading because I just might be the slowest reader in the world, so reading one book a week is a challenge to say the least. That being said, I am looking forward to improving my reading skills and being exposed a whole new array of literature. I'm also excited about having class discussions seeing as that's so rare in college. I'm not totally sure why I decided to go into the honors program, my aunt was in it while she attended UNM and she highly recommended it so I figured, why not? As for why I signed up for this specific course, it was purely because of "Ender's Game." That is my favorite book, and when I saw it on the reading list and knew this was the right class for me.

  6. I joined the Honor's program because i really felt like it would help develop my reading and writing skills, which for my career choice, are crucial. Also, this particular class drew my attention, because 1) Ender's game is one of my favorite books 2) Twelfth Night is my favorite Shakespearean play. 3) I enjoy reading. The rite of passage concept isn't something I've studied much, so I decided it would probably be good for me to expose myself to it. The group projects are something i think will be fun and educational, but the final paper seems rather difficult...but i'm hoping that when that time rolls around, I'll be more then ready

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I chose this class because Ender's Game was on the reading list, and I thought that book was great. It was also one of the few honors seminars left to sign up for. I'm hoping that because of this class, I will start enjoying group projects more. This is an honors class, so hopefully there won't be the slackers like in high school. I'm looking forward to see all the different rites of passages in the different books that will be assigned to us, with the exception that we have such little time to read them. I'm not looking forward to reading Ender's Game again though because Ender's Shadow was so much better and now I'll be comparing the two.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I decided to sign up for this class because it looked like it would cover a very broad range of topics, and I am hoping that I can gain a broader cultural perspective on the subjects that I intend to study. The concept of looking in on our own culture is also intriguing to me. I am definitely excited that the class is fairly student-driven, and it will be interesting to see what books we choose as representing rites of passage. The amount of required reading looks a bit steep, but with a bit of concentration I don't think I'll have an issue with it (i.e. I can get Red Bull in bulk >:D).

    I joined the Honors program because I thought that the range of classes meant that I would always be able to have an interesting class to go alongside my others. At this point, I hope that Honors will be helpful in letting me have a practical application for my desired field of research. To me, Honors is an opportunity to explore and expand my ideas and gain some interesting knowledge that I wouldn't have otherwise.

    (Has anybody else been telling people that this is a class about various forms of puberty?)

  11. I signed up for the honors program because I like the idea of a class that isn't necessarily a lecture. Not last summer but the summer before I spent 6 weeks at Salem College in North Carolina as part of the NC Governors School program. (I didn't move to New Mexico until after that). Most my time there was for band, but band and the other 2 classes I got to take there were very seminar based. I like the types of discussions that come up and they help me understand the purpose of an assignment more than a lecture does. Also, since perspectives are interesting to me, its always better to hear more.
    Also, of course some of the books on the list interest me. Glass Castle and Ender's Game were very interesting to me. I also picked Legacy of Rites of Passage because it seems so relevent to the point in our lives we're at. We're all just starting college which is especially in modern society a major part of becoming an adult.

  12. There are a few reasons why I signed up for this class. I wanted to have a class that I actually would enjoy because I am taking a couple tough classes. I have always been fascinated with coming of age stories. I read a few during high school, but never got the chance to really study them in depth. The biggest reason though is because one of my favorite books is Ender's Game and I have read every book in the series, but not in a long time. I want to get a broader understanding of rites of passage. It is something that is universal and very different in every culture. This makes it all the more intriguing to me. After the first class I was put more at ease. I'm going to be honest, I thought you were going to be kind of a hard ass and my thought was "Oh great, just a ton more work to do and it might not be as fun as I was hoping for." I am really looking forward to this class now which makes the work easier to accomplish. It isn't something I dread. I guess the only thing I really am dreading though is the paper. I have never enjoyed writing them, but I will get through it.

  13. Thanks for the comments so far, all. I've really been enjoying reading why you decided on this class in particular. I do have a question for the person with the moniker "716dd31c-d72c-11e0-b711-000f20980440." I don't know if that's just how it's showing up on my screen or what, but please let me know who you are so that I can mark down your points. This person posted the following comment:

    I signed up for the honors program because I like the idea of a class that isn't necessarily a lecture. Not last summer but the summer before I spent 6 weeks at Salem College in North Carolina as part of the NC Governors School program. (I didn't move to New Mexico until after that). Most my time there was for band, but band and the other 2 classes I got to take there were very seminar based. I like the types of discussions that come up and they help me understand the purpose of an assignment more than a lecture does. Also, since perspectives are interesting to me, its always better to hear more.
    Also, of course some of the books on the list interest me. Glass Castle and Ender's Game were very interesting to me. I also picked Legacy of Rites of Passage because it seems so relevent to the point in our lives we're at. We're all just starting college which is especially in modern society a major part of becoming an adult.

    So, whoever wrote this, please let me know who you are so that I can get you your points. Thanks! :)

  14. I signed up for this class because I like the whole idea of the "Rite of Passage" and how it applies to everyone in some way or another. I hope to learn some new and interesting things about rituals around the world, both present and past, that help commemorate one's coming of age.I think that reading a book a week is a bit intimidating but it'll be worthwhile since I don't read for crap (IDK what Ender's Game's is.)I definitely feel more comfortable after the first class because it just feels like a real unique learning environment. It seems very different with the bog posts and what not, but in a good way. With honors, I'm hoping to take some challenging, worthwhile courses that we'll broaden my view on subjects that I don't really know much about.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sorry, a bit of a late reply, but I thought you'd like to read this anyway. I decided to go with this class because, to be honest, it's something that interests me. It may sound pretentious, but I'm writing a novel (a light novel really) that deals with a sort of Right of Passage for a young girl. The thing is, I'm not entirely happy with the way I've wrote her, so I figured that a bit more background information, if only just for comparison, will be of help. Plus, I was taught in this sort of environment since middle school, so I wanted something more familiar (and thought provoking) to whet my appetite.
